Charles & Colvard

Moissanite Jewelry

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MOISSANITE: The hardness, the brilliance, the fire you expect from a new unexpected source. The history of natural Moissanite can be traced back to the late 1800's and a man who later became a Nobel Prize winner. Dr. Henri Moissan discovered natural silicon carbide while analyzing part of the Diablo Canyon meteorite in 1893. The mineral name for silicon carbide, Moissanite, was given in Dr. Moissan's honor in 1905.


    Moissanite's brilliance, hardness, weight and scratch  resistance rival all other gemstones. It possesses all the romance  and passion of rubies, emeralds and sapphires. And it is more rare, found only in meteorites and in limited areas beneath the earth's surface.

The history of natural Moissanite can be traced back to the late 1800's and a man who later became a Nobel Prize winner. Dr. Henri Moissan discovered natural silicon carbide, in Arizona, while analyzing part of the Diablo Canyon meteorite in 1893. The mineral name for silicon carbide, Moissanite, was given in Dr. Moissan's honor in 1905.

At its essence was the potential for an absolutely shimmering brilliance, fire, luster, and incredible hardness. Unfortunately, the supply of natural moissanite wasn't large enough even to create a pair of earrings.

Naturally occurring moissanite is extremely rare and found only in microscopic crystals that are too small to use in jewelry. It was only after years of research that a breakthrough discovery enabled the production of moissanite crystals large enough to produce an uncommon combination science and art.

Natural sources of silicon carbide are rare, and only certain atomic arrangements are useful for gemological applications. Recently, single-crystalline silicon carbide, in certain forms, has been used for the fabrication of high-performance semiconductor devices. North Carolina-based Cree Research, Inc., founded in 1987, has developed a commercial process for producing large single crystals of silicon carbide. Cree is the world leader in the growth of single crystal silicon carbide, mostly for electronics use. Gem quality Moissanite is created, exclusively by Charles & Colvard, inc.

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